Now you can have all your videos in just one place
Well Organized and prepared to view them and share them
with your family and friends
film / movie / video / music / project
category+number . Example: music1 or project144
category+number . Example: film1 or video144
.mp4 or .ogg or .webm
Name your video file as this : category+number
Example: music1 or project180.
Each category programmed for 180 archives . Total 900 video files and 900 video covers.
Name your cover as this : category+number
Example: music1 or project180 (.jpg) File
always related to the file to be called or requested.
Replace cover files where necessary.
Complete path : C:/Program Files (x86)/Fluid Video/ . . .
Some browsers do not support some types of web video formats
SECTION 1 . Fluid Video is the most versatile way to organize your videos and have it ready to be seen at your local browser and your internet sites at the same time.
SECTION 2 . Fluid Video es la forma más versátil de organizar sus videos y tenerlos listos para verlos en su navegador local y en sus sitios de Internet al mismo tiempo.
SECTION 3 . Fluid Video is the most versatile way to organize your videos and have it ready to be seen at your local browser and your internet sites at the same time.
SECTION 4 . Fluid Video es la forma más versátil de organizar sus videos y tenerlos listos para verlos en su navegador local y en sus sitios de Internet al mismo tiempo.
SECTION 5 . Fluid Video is the most versatile way to organize your videos and have it ready to be seen at your local browser and your internet sites at the same time.